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Notes | Google Technical Writing Course One (1/2)

Use the acronym > the full term

In the following situations:

  • The acronym is much shorter
  • The acronym appears many times. Heavily used acronyms develop their own identity.


Jeff Dean invented MapReduce in 1693, implementing the algorithm on a silicon-based computer fabricated from beach sand, wax-paper, a quill pen, and a toaster oven. This version of MR held several world performance records until 2014.

Jeff Dean invented MapReduce in 1693, implementing the algorithm on a silicon-based computer fabricated from beach sand, wax-paper, a quill pen, and a toaster oven. This version of MapReduce held several world performance records until 2014.

How to introduce an acronym?

Spell out the full term and put the acronym in parentheses.

This document is for engineers who are new to the Telekinetic Tactile Network (TTN) or need to understand how to order TTN replacement parts through finger motions.

Be careful with ambiguous pronouns


Identify all possible meanings for the ambiguous pronouns in each of the following passages:

Aparna and Phil share responsibilities with Maysam and Karan and they are next on call. Aparna and Phil share responsibilities with Maysam and Karan. Aparana and Phil are next on call.

Aparna and Phil share responsibilities with Maysam and Karan. Maysam and Karan are next on call.

Aparna and Phil share responsibilities with Maysam and Karan. All of the four are next on call.

You may import Carambola data via your configuration file or dynamically at run time. This may be a security risk.

Importing Carambola data via your configuration file may be a security risk.

Importing Carambola data dynamically at run time may be a security risk.

Both importing options may be a security risk.

Choose strong verbs


Clarify the following sentences by picking more specific verbs. Along the way, feel free to rearrange the sentences and to add, modify, or delete words:

When a variable declaration doesn't have a datatype, a compiler error happens.

My attempt:

When you declare a variable without a datatype, a compiler throws an error.


  • When a variable declaration doesn't specify a datatype, the complier generates an error message.
  • If you declare a variable without specifying a datatype, the complier generates an error message.

Compiler errors occur when you leave off a semicolon at the end of a statement.

My attempt:

When you miss a semicolon at the end of a statement, the compiler throws errors.


  • A missing semicolon at the end of a statement triggers complier errors.

  • Compliers issue errors when you omit a semicolon at the end of the statement.


Collect verbs that can be used with errors.

Avoid the generic couple (there is / there are)


Clarify the following sentences by removing There is, and possibly rearranging, adding, modifying, or deleting other words:

There is a lot of overlap between X and Y.

X and Y overlaps significantly.

There is no creator stack for the main thread.

The main thread does not include(provide) the creator stack.

There is a low-level, TensorFlow, Python interface to load a saved model.

The low-level Python interface-TensorFlow-can load a saved model.

TensorFlow provides a low-level Python interface to load a saved model.

There is a sharding function named distribute that assigns keys.

A sharding function named distribute assigns keys. The distribute shading function assigns keys.

Don't confuse marketing writing with educational material

Setting this flag makes the application run screamingly fast.

Setting this flag makes the application run 225-250% faster.

One sentence does one thing, just like functions in code


Convert the following overly long sentence to a series of shorter sentences. Don't revise too much; just end up with a few sentences instead of only one.

In bash, use the if, then, and fi statements to implement a simple conditional branching block in which the if statement evaluates an expression, the then statement introduces a block of statements to run when the if expression is true, and the fi statement marks the end of the conditional branching block.

In bash, use the if then fi statements to implement a simple conditions branching block. The if statement evaluates an expression. The then statement introduces a block of statements to run when the if expression is true. The fi statement marks the end of the conditional branching block.

A list is yearning to break free


Refactor the following sentences into something shorter and clearer. Make sure that your answer contains a list:

To get started with the Frambus app, you must first find the app at a suitable store, pay for it using a valid credit or debit card, download it, configure it by assigning a value for the Foo variable in the /etc/Frambus file, and then run it by saying the magic word twice.

To get started with the Frambus app, you should:

  • Take the following steps to get started with the Frambus app:
  1. Find the app at your app store
  2. Pay using a valid credit or debit card and download it
  3. Navigate to the /etc/Frambus file
  4. Assign a value to the Foo variable
  5. Say the magic word twice to run it. (Run the app by saying the magic word twice)

KornShell was invented by David Korn in 1983, then a computer scientist at Bell Labs, as a superset of features, enhancements, and improvements over the Bourne Shell (which it was backwards compatible with), which was invented by Stephen Bourne in 1977 who was also a computer scientist at Bell Labs.

  • KornShell was invented by David Korn in 1983.He was working as a computer scientist at Bell Labs.
  • He invented it as a superset of features, enhancements and improvements over the Bourne Shell.
  • KornShell was backwards compatible with Bourne Shell.
  • Bourne Shell was invented by Stephen Bourne in 1977. He was also a computer scientist at Bell Labs.


The following two Bell Labs computer scientists invented popular shells:

  • Stephen Bourne invented the Bourne Shell in 1977.
  • David Korn invented the KornShell in 1983.

The KornShell is a backwards-compatible superset of the Bourne Shell, containing many improvements over the older shell.

Eliminate extraneous words


Shorten the following sentences without changing their meaning:

In spite of the fact that Arnold writes buggy code, he writes error-free documentation.

Though Arnold writes buggy code, he writes error-free documentation.

Changing the sentence from passive voice to active voice enhances the clarification of the key points.

Changing the sentence from passive voice to active voice clarifies the key points.

Determine whether Rikona is able to write code in COBOL.

Can Rikona write code in COBOL?

Frambus causes the production of bugs, which will be chronicled in logs by the LogGenerator method.

The bugs produced by Frambus are logged chronically by the LogGenerator method.

Frambus produces bugs, which the LogGenerator method logs .

Scrutinize subordinate clauses


Determine which of the sentences contain subordinate clauses that should be branched off into separate sentences. (Don't rewrite the sentences, just identify the sentences that should be rewritten.)

Python is an interpreted language, which means that the language can execute source code directly.

Python is an interpreted language. It can execute source code directly.

Bash is a modern shell scripting language that takes many of its features from KornShell 88, which was developed at Bell Labs.

Bash is a modern shell scripting language that takes many of its features from KornShell 88. KornShell 88 was developed at Bell Labs.

Lisp is a programming language that relies on Polish prefix notation, which is one of the systems invented by the Polish logician Jan Łukasiewicz.

Lisp is a programming language that relies on Polish prefix notation. Lisp is one of the systems invented by the Polish logician Jan Łukasiewicz.

I don't want to say that Fortran is old, but only radiocarbon dating can determine its true age

Only radiocarbon dating can determine the true age of Fortran.

Useful piece of English grammar: that vs. which

that is used for essential subordinate clauses. which is used for nonessential ones.

Python is an interpreted language, which Guido van Rossum invented.

Fortran is perfect for mathematical calculations that don't involve linear algebra.

Choose the right type of list


Convert the following paragraph into one or more lists:

Today at work, I have to code three unit tests, write a design document, and review Janet's latest document. After work, I have to wash my car without using any water and then dry it without using any towels.

Today's todo:


  • Code three unit tests
  • Write a design document
  • Review Janet's latest document

After work

  1. Wash my car without using any water
  2. Dry it without using any towels