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Do you remember Dumbledore in Harry Potter, when he used his wand to pull a memory out of his head and put it in his Pensieve, allowing others to see the memory?

I do. I started this blog as my own Pensieve.

You see, every day there's so much going on in my head, and I wanted to put it into a tangible form that I can share with others. Even if it helps just one person, it would be incredibly meaningful to me.

Moreover, writing is one of the best ways to learn.

By writing, we revisit concepts we think we understand and can identify the areas where we lack clarity or have blind spots. To be honest, human memory is limited. We aren't very good at storing vast amounts of information.

Even though I've been studying programming for only two years, I find that without documentation, I tend to forget what I learned a year ago. So, writing serves as my documentation—my way of preserving and sharing knowledge.

Documentation, including blogging, is highly recommended by experienced professionals, and I believe it's one of the best practices an engineer can adopt. By practicing documentation, I hope to enhance my own understanding and knowledge. And if it can benefit others in similar situations, all the better!

Oh, and there's one more motivation that I wanted to mention. I believe that eventually, we might be able to upload our memories to an AI. It might sound like science fiction, but it's an intriguing idea to explore. In the meantime, what we can already do is feed our personal data, such as our writing and thoughts, to an AI like GPT. By doing so, the AI can better understand us and provide more personalized assistance. This potential excites me greatly!

I think one of the limitations of the human brain, when compared to AI, is that our knowledge and ideas remain trapped inside our minds like a black hole. The only way we can truly communicate with others is through language.

So, in exploring of this exciting potential, I'm backing up my thoughts and experiences. Collecting and preserving our data can pave the way for a deeper understanding of ourselves and more advanced AI interactions. It's an intriguing journey to embark upon!

ps: This is written with the help of ChatGPT. I used a voice to text plugin to ask GPT revising grammatical and spelling erros, it did a pretty damn good job! The whole writing process took less than 10 mins.