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University of Oulu's CS Bachelor Program


  1. 5 years to get 1 bachelor + 1 master degrees (As many degrees as possbile lol)
  2. Internship opportunities
  3. Study a broad range of topics, including Math! Yes it's a pro for me
  4. Elegible for phd programs after gruduation
  5. I like Oulu


  1. 5 years is a long time at my age(33)
  2. Need to prepare and take SAT test
  3. Will still have to hunt for a job after graduation, and who knows what's the world going to be by then

General Requirements for an international candidate

Assuming you don't have Finnish education qualifications. To apply for University of Oulu with a non-Finnish qualification, you have the following options:

  • a foreign qualification that provides eligibility for higher education studies in the awarding country

  • an International Baccalaureate (IB) diploma completed outside of Finland


  • a Finnish or foreign higher education degree (Bachelor's, Master's, Licenciate, PhD)

Since I already have a Bachelor and a Master's degree, I could use this qualification.

Because it's an international program, English language requirements must be met.

The common English language tests such as IELTS, TOEFEL, Pearson Test, etc are all going to work. On top of that, completing a Basic or Uppser Secondary Education or higher in English in EU/EEA, Australia, Canada, GB, Ireland, New Zealand, or the US also works.

The degree must be completed in EU/EEA country, Australia, Canada, Great Britain, Ireland, New Zealand, or the United States, excluding online degrees and offshore campuses. Please note that the document must clearly state that the language of education is English Upload a copy of the transcript of records of Bachelor, Master or Doctoral`s degree conducted in English language to the electronic application. If original document is not issued in English, Finnish or Swedish, translation to one of the languages is also required.

Since I completed a Master's degree in English in Spain, I could use this to prove my English ability.

These are the general requirements, luckliy I meet all of those. What's even better is that I won't have to take addtional exams to apply.

More info see here

Specific requirements for the CS program

The degress is named Bachelor's in Digitalisation, Computing and Electronics.

  1. There are three paths in this program, the one I'm interested in is Computer Science and Engineering studies.

  2. It's a 3+2 program, 3 years of bachelor, and 2 years of master is followed.

  3. The Next application period is: 3-17 January 2024

  4. And it requires SAT test unless you have Finnish matriculation examination, IB, EB or DIA/RP. I am not sure if a EU master's degree will exempt me from this rule. If not, I will have a take a SAT exam.

SAT test in Finland info can be found here. It seems like they offer online test, and the test fee is 103 USD. Seems reseanable.


If accepted, I can apply for Nokia scholarship of 3000 EUR.


You must apply for the Scholarship on the same online application you use for applying to these programmes in Studyinfo (Application form open: January 4th - January 18th, 2023, 15:00/3pm UTC+2).