Five ways to declare a function in JavaScript
JavaScript treats functions as first-class objects, meaning you could use functions as objects: assign them to variables, pass them to functions,return them from funvtions, assgin them to objects...
There are five ways to declare a JavaScripy function:
1. Use named function
function greet(name){
return 'Hello'+name
2. Assign function to a variable(function expression)
const greet2= function(name){
return 'Hello'+name
3. Use arrow function expression
const greet3=(name)=>{
return 'Hello'+name
4.Use shorthand arrow function
const greet4=(name)=>'Hello'+name
JS people seem to be obessed with one line codes, and shorthand arror function is a good way to do it.
5.Use function constructer
const greet5=new Function('name,'return "hello"+name)
This is an perfect example that function is treated as an object in JS. Though I don't remember seeing this syntax in real code.
Apparently this is also an unsafe way to declare a function in the eyes of TypeScript, so don't use it.